Stop Plastic Grass (aka Artificial Turf)
Christina Dubin Christina Dubin

Stop Plastic Grass (aka Artificial Turf)

Artificial Turf (plastic grass) is a massive source of microplastics and PFAS pollution that’s associated with heat islands and injuries. Protect your community by stopping an installation in progress or proactively enacting a ban or moratorium on the installation of artificial turf.

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Stop False Compostable Claims
grassroots campaigns Christina Dubin grassroots campaigns Christina Dubin

Stop False Compostable Claims

With no federal standards defining or regulating bioplastics, companies have free rein to label whatever they want as “biodegradable” and “compostable.” This lack of regulation has led to misleading marketing meant to falsely convince the public that certain products are environmentally friendly. TAKE ACTION to stop the greenwashing!

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Host A Supermarket Plastic Packaging Take-Back
Eve Fox Eve Fox

Host A Supermarket Plastic Packaging Take-Back

Plastic packaging is the single largest source of plastic waste and it’s also one that we can do without. Send a message to your local chain super market that you want them to decrease packaging and increase bulk and refillables.

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