Stop False Compostable Claims

Many manufacturers claim their bioplastics products break apart faster in the environment, are made from safer materials, and have smaller climate change impacts. With no federal standards defining or regulating bioplastics, companies have free rein to label whatever they want as “biodegradable” and “compostable.” This lack of regulation has led to misleading marketing claims meant to falsely convince the public that certain products are environmentally friendly.

You can TAKE ACTION to urge the Federal Trade Commission to create new guidance in the Green Guides, which addresses the accuracy of environmental claims made by companies. The Green Guides have not been updated since 2012. The FTC opened a public comment period earlier this year, but there is no indication of when it will move to finalize an updated version. Let’s change that!


Since there are currently no federal standards which define or regulate bioplastic, biodegradable, or compostable products, there’s a great deal of confusion about what products available on the market are made from as well as how they impact our health and environment. But we can fix that!

Please join us in urging Lina M. Khan, Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to update and expand the agency’s “Green Guides” by the end of 2024 to strengthen and clarify the terminology related to compostability and to add a new section defining requirements for the various terms used to market bioplastics to force companies to describe their products accurately to minimize confusion and aid consumers and businesses in evaluating the best alternatives to single-use plastics. Sign the petition now. >>


The Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides help marketers avoid making environmental marketing claims that are unfair or deceptive under Section 5 of the FTC Act. Use the template below to draft your email to to file a complaint if you purchased a product because it was labeled as compostable or biodegradable and you have since discovered that it is not. 

Email template >>

Reportar reclamos falsos en Español  >>

Be sure to follow the instructions within the template so we can keep track of complaints for a future collective action.


Please note that this guide is designed as a trifold and you should fold it along the dotted lines. Click here to download the trifold to keep it handy and/or to leave a copy with any businesses, restaurants, or schools you may visit in your town, neighborhood, or city. If you do not have access to a color printer, you can also click here to download the version in black and white.

The trifold brochure is also available in Spanish. Haga clic aquí para descargar en Español en color o aquí en blanco y negro.

READ THE REPORT: Demystifying Compostable and Biodegradable Plastics

If you haven’t yet, please visit our report webage to download a copy, review the supporting documents and share via our social media toolkit. This report provides an overview of bioplastic materials currently on the market, the voluntary standards that govern their design, and scientific research findings to date on their safety to help individuals make evaluations of their options. It also covers the waste management issues associated with bioplastics and provides a checklist to guide decision making. 


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