The Price of Plastic Pollution: Social Costs and Corporate Liabilities

October 2022 | Minderoo Foundation


The costs to society from plastic pollution — including environmental clean-up, ecosystem degradation, shorter life expectancy and medical treatment — exceed US$100bn per year, according to this research which sheds light on the growing global plastics crisis.

Plastics harm people, the environment, and the economy (“social costs”). Some social costs will inevitably turn into compensation claims against the plastics industry (“corporate liabilities”), which may present these claims to their insurers.

In this report, for the first time, we provide quantitative estimates of both the social costs and the corporate liabilities emerging from all forms of plastic-related pollution.

The manufacturers of chemical additives used in plastics, many of which have well-established harmful links to human health, face a greater likelihood of prosecution.

Plastic polymer manufacturers are also exposed to litigation because their products break down into the micro- and nano-plastic particles which pose severe risks to public health and the environment.

This report builds on the already compelling evidence that plastic pollution inflicts unacceptable damage on our health — and on that of our children.

The industries that are causing this damage are currently acting as free-riders on you, me, all of us, and all our offspring. Priced in, such costs and the price of plastics would multiply some tenfold what it is today.

The bill, inevitably, is coming due. Courts, regulators and lawmakers are now paying attention.

Dr Andrew Forrest AO, Chairman, Minderoo Foundation

The full study is available here to view or download (PDF)


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