New Siena Poll: 58% of Voters Wanted Legislature to Pass Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act
After Governor Hochul abruptly canceled congestion pricing, which impacted the final days of the New York State legislative session, the New York State Assembly went home without passing the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, despite the bill passing in the senate on June 7th, and reports that the bill was set to pass in the assembly. Now, a new Siena Poll shows that 58% to 31% of New York voters think the legislature should have passed the bill.

Fight Continues for Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act in Albany
Senate Passed Legislation, But Assembly Ran Out of Time to Bring It to the Floor

Senate Passes Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, Advocates Call on Assembly for Floor Vote TODAY
The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act Reduces Single-Use Plastic Packaging by 30%, Bans 17 of the Most Toxic Chemicals in Packaging, Saves Taxpayers Millions, and Knocks Out Polluting Chemical Recycling

23 Westchester Elected Officials Urge Senator Stewart-Cousins to Reduce Plastic Packaging by 50%
Westchester elected officials and organizations emphasize positive local financial, environmental, and health impacts of reducing single-use plastic packaging by 50%

100 Environmental Justice Communities Across USA Write to Speaker Heastie and Senator Stewart Cousins to Reduce Plastic Packaging by 50% and Protect Their Health
From Appalachia to Louisiana to Texas, leaders of frontline environmental justice communities harmed by plastic pollution sent a letter to Speaker Heastie and Leader Stewart-Cousins urging them to pass the strongest Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act possible, with national impact

New Poll: 82% of NY Voters Say Single-Use Plastic Packaging Is a Problem
A new Siena Poll released today shows that voters overwhelmingly support policies to reduce single-use plastic packaging in New York. 82% say that single-use plastic packaging is a problem, and a bipartisan 67% of voters support the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act

New York City Leaders Unite For Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act
NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, DSNY Commissioner Jessica Tisch, NYC Council Sanitation Chair Shaun Abreu, the Mayor’s Office for Climate and Environmental Justice, and more Environmental Leaders Call On Speaker Heastie and Leader Stewart-Cousins to Bring Popular Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act to a Floor Vote

Judith Enck Challenges America’s Plastic Makers to a ‘Cheese Debate’
This morning, the Albany Times Union reported on the New York state Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act (A5322B Glick / S4246B Harckham), and claims from opponents that the legislation would be a terrible nuisance to New Yorkers who absolutely cannot live without individually wrapped cheese slices.

New York Is Not Disposable: 300+ Advocates, Environmental Leaders, and Lawmakers Rally at New York State Capitol to Fight Plastic Pollution
Senate Environmental Chair Pete Harckham, Assemblymember Harvey Epstein, and more rally for Bigger Better Bottle Bill and Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act

Legislation to Curb Plastic Pollution Gains Momentum; Passes Environmental Conservation Committee and Secures Majority of Assembly and Senate Support
The New York State Assembly’s Environmental Conservation Committee voted to pass the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act — just days after the bill secured a majority of co-sponsors in both the assembly and the Senate.

22 Albany County Legislators Proclaim Support for State Waste Reduction Bills
County Legislators Call on the State to Adopt the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Leading Businesses Join Environmentalists in Support of Passing the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act at Albany Legislative Hearing
While in Albany to attend a major legislative hearing on packaging reduction legislation, 12 companies, representing industry leaders in innovative solutions to end the scourge of single-use plastic packaging, are joining forces with environmentalists calling on the New York State legislature to pass the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act.

As NYers Struggle to Breathe, Enviro Groups Call on NYS Leg to Pass Key Climate Bills Now!
While climate-driven wildfires burn Canada and make air quality across NYS "very unhealthy," will lawmakers stand with the dirty fossil fuel companies at fault, or New Yorkers?

Environmental Leaders Deliver More Than 18,000 Signatures To Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins’ District Office
Call For Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to Pass The Packaging Reduction and Recycling Act and Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Environmental Leaders Deliver More Than 13,000 Signatures To Legislative Leaders At the State Capitol
Call on Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins to Pass Strong Packaging Reduction Bill and Reject Toxic “Chemical Recycling” Ploy Pushed by Chemical Companies

Rally in Albany Calls on the New York Legislature to Pass Packaging Reduction Bill and Bigger Better Bottle Bill This Year
New York state legislators and 58 environmental organizations joined Beyond Plastics and NYPIRG for a jam-packed Rally and Advocacy Day to say, “New York Is Not Disposable.” The events included a rally in Albany, where notables — including Emmy- and Tony-award-winning actress Blythe Danner and National Poetry Slam champion Melissa Lozada-Oliva — joined state legislators to call for the passage of two bills that would greatly reduce plastic pollution statewide: the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act and the Bigger Better Bottle Bill.

Beyond Plastics Launches New Policy Resource Center to Advance Solutions to Plastic Pollution
Beyond Plastics issues new Model Packaging Reduction and Recycling policy.

Major Packaging Reduction Bills Introduced in New York
New York’s mountains of toxic packaging waste would shrink if the state adopts two new bills that would reduce packaging, improve recycling, and reduce litter.

Beyond Plastics’ Response to the American Chemistry Council’s Poll of NYS Voters’ Views on So-Called “Advanced Recycling”
Beyond Plastics’ response to the American Chemistry Council’s release of its poll of New York State voters’ views on so-called “advanced recycling”.

Beyond Plastics Responds to Coca-Cola & Bill Nye’s Greenwashing Plastics Recycling Video with a New Video Setting the Record Straight
Coca-Cola enlisted Bill Nye, the Science Sellout Guy to create a video designed to mislead the public about plastics recycling. In response, Beyond Plastics released a new claymation video of its own to set the record straight.