Stop False Compostable Claims
With no federal standards defining or regulating bioplastics, companies have free rein to label whatever they want as “biodegradable” and “compostable.” This lack of regulation has led to misleading marketing meant to falsely convince the public that certain products are environmentally friendly. TAKE ACTION to stop the greenwashing!

Help Local Dry Cleaners Reduce Plastic
Share guidance, information and resources to help convince your local dry cleaning establishments move beyond single-use plastics.

Help Local Restaurants, Cafés, & Bars Skip Single-Use Plastic
Restaurants produce a great deal of single-use plastic trash but reusables and better systems are not only possible, but can even offer savings. Share guidance, information and resources to help convince your local dining establishments to refuse single-use.

Swap The Plastic Bottles In Your Local Vending Machine For Aluminum Cans
Plastic bottles are clogging our oceans, rivers, streets, landfills & poisoning our air when they're burned in incinerators. Convince the management to replace the plastic bottles in your local vending machine with drinks sold in truly recyclable aluminum cans or glass bottles.

Ban The Sale Of Plastic Water Bottles & Replace With Water Filling Stations
Single-use plastic water bottles are clogging our oceans, rivers, streets, landfills & poisoning our air when they're burned in incinerators. Urge your local airport or government office to ban the sale of bottled water.

Help Your Local Meals On Wheels Program Ditch Disposables
Help your local Meals on Wheels program switch from damaging, single-use disposable plastic trays and dishes to reusable ones. Reusables save the programs money and reduce waste - a win-win for the programs and the planet.