REPORT: Demystifying Compostable and Biodegradable Plastics
Just because a product is labeled “biobased”, “biodegradable” or “compostable” plastic does not necessarily make it better for the environment or safer for your health. Get the facts in Beyond Plastics’ new report.
In The Bag: A Guide For Dry Cleaners To Move Beyond Plastic
This detailed, practical guide will help dry cleaners reduce their use of plastic to decrease their plastic waste and carbon footprint while increasing customer satisfaction and reaching new sustainably-minded customers.
Hold The Plastic, Please: A Restaurant’s Guide to Reducing Plastic
This free guide offers restaurants detailed, practical, and inspiring advice for how to reduce the use of plastic in their operations and how to effectively convey those changes to customers, reporters, and the general public.
Choose to Reuse: A Manual on Reusable Trays for Meals on Wheels Programs
This helpful manual will guide any meal delivery service that’s interested in switching to reusable trays through all the considerations and decisions involved.