Ninety-Two Organizations Call on the NYS Climate Action Council to Close Waste Incinerators and Tackle Plastics in Climate Plan
Beyond Plastics and 91 New York state and national organizations submitted extensive written comments to the New York Climate Action Council detailing the ways the Hochul-Delgado Administration must change the way it deals with solid waste, particularly plastics, in its Scoping Plan for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The groups call on the Council to close the state’s ten garbage incinerators, prohibit the burning of plastic through so-called “chemical recycling” and prioritize eliminating single-use plastics. The groups also support expanding the state’s 40-year-old container deposit law (a.k.a. Bottle Bill) to cover more beverage containers.

550 Groups Ask Biden to Solve Plastic Pollution Crisis With 8 Executive Actions
A coalition of more than 550 community and conservation organizations today released its Presidential Plastics Action Plan, urging President-elect Joe Biden to take eight key executive actions to solve the plastic pollution crisis.