Experts Discuss Policy Action Next U.S. President Should Take to Combat Plastic Pollution Crisis

Free Webinar Hosted by Beyond Plastics and Features Five Expert  Panelists on Plastic Pollution, Environmental Justice, and Environmental Policy

For Immediate Release: September 17, 2024


On October 1, five expert panelists will be on a Zoom webinar to  discuss how the next president of the United States — whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris — can effectively address the growing plastic pollution crisis when he or she takes office in January. 

The free webinar follows Beyond Plastics’ release of 27 priority policy recommendations to significantly reduce plastic pollution, protect environmental justice communities, and ensure safe products for Americans. These recommendations pave the way for progress by significantly reducing the production of plastics, thereby limiting their negative impacts on environmental justice communities, human health, climate change, fish and wildlife, and our planet.

Register for this free Zoom webinar here.

WHO: Beyond Plastics founder and former EPA regional administrator Judith Enck, The Descendants Project co-founder and co-director Jo Banner, Just Zero deputy director Kevin Budris, Beyond Plastics Appalachia director Jess Conard, and Gannon University’s Project NePTWNE director Dr. Sherri “Sam” Mason

WHEN: Tuesday, October 1, at 7 p.m. EDT

WHERE: Zoom — register for this webinar here.

Please note that Beyond Plastics is non-partisan and we have sent the policy proposals to the Trump and Harris campaigns for consideration.

About Beyond Plastics

Launched in 2019, Beyond Plastics is a nationwide project that pairs the wisdom and experience of environmental policy experts with the energy and creativity of grassroots advocates to build a vibrant and effective movement to end plastic pollution. Using deep policy and advocacy expertise, Beyond Plastics is building a well-informed, effective movement seeking to achieve the institutional, economic, and societal changes needed to save our planet and ourselves, from the negative health, climate, and environmental impacts for the production, usage, and disposal of plastics.



Beyond Plastics Makes 27 Policy Recommendations for the Next U.S. President to Address Plastic’s Growing Environmental, Health, and Climate Impacts