Plastics producers are following Big Tobacco’s playbook, and we’re all paying the price 
Andrew Craigie Andrew Craigie

Plastics producers are following Big Tobacco’s playbook, and we’re all paying the price 

Let’s not fall for another false solution offered by companies to maintain their profit margins. Let’s not allow chemical recycling to win with the same deceptive playbook used by Big Tobacco. We need real change now — and it can’t begin until companies are required by new laws to break their plastic habit and give consumers safe packaged products that don’t threaten the health of people or the planet.

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Lawsuits Targeting Plastic Pollution Pile Up as Frustrated Citizens and States Seek Accountability
Andrew Craigie Andrew Craigie

Lawsuits Targeting Plastic Pollution Pile Up as Frustrated Citizens and States Seek Accountability

So Charleston Waterkeeper joined with the Southern Environmental Law Center, a nonprofit law firm, and the Charleston-based Coastal Conservation League, to identify what they believed to be the source of the nurdles and then to take that company, Frontier Logistics, L.P., to federal court, in March 2020. A year later, the environmental advocates and Frontier reached a settlement that included $1 million to improve water quality in the Charleston Harbor watershed.

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Andrew Craigie Andrew Craigie

Threatened Seabirds Are Foraging at Plastic Pollution Hotspots

Threatened seabirds are spending days and sometimes weeks foraging for food around floating garbage patches in the ocean, according to a major study that warns international action to tackle plastic pollution is urgently needed. The research used tracking data from more than 7000 birds, combined with plastic pollution location data, to map the plastic exposure risk of 77 species of petrel, a group of migratory seabirds.

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