Elections seen as sharpening focus on plastics in Washington

By Steve Toloken | 11/12/20 | Plastic News

A key plastics industry lobbyist sees consensus within industry around waste and recycling issues opening the door to legislation in Washington. Environmental groups are optimistic a Biden administration would give more attention to policies they seek.

Industry and environmental groups expect the Nov. 3 elections to lead to more focus on plastics waste issues in Washington, with both sides pointing to potentially significant changes.

The new head of the American Chemistry Council's plastics division, for example, said growing support within industry for things like packaging fees and recycled content standards could open the door to legislation in the next Congress.

Environmental groups as well said they expect more attention on the issues, arguing that a Joe Biden administration could lead to federal agency activity in areas like pellet pollution and climate, in addition to more interest in new legislation in Congress. Read more >>


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