🌱 Working To Stop Cornell University from Installing Artificial Turf in NY 🚫

Our affiliate, Zero Waste Ithaca has been hard at work to convince Cornell University to halt its plan to install new artificial turf fields. Artificial turf creates plastic pollution, spreads toxins, and increases the risk of injury. Installing fields full of plastic also threatens the University's ability to meet its own sustainability goals.

A 2023 poll by Ithaca.com found that more than 85% of Ithacans oppose the synthetic turf installation. 

The Town of Ithaca’s own Conservation Board recently wrote a letter to the Town of Ithaca Planning Board voicing concerns about Cornell University’s proposed synthetic playing fields. 

In late April, Zero Waste Ithaca hosted a powerful Zoom panel discussion to educate people on the dangers of synthetic turf. The panelists, including scientists, environmentalists, and a former university soccer coach, analyzed the life cycle, environmental justice, and public health impacts of artificial turf. They also shared compelling arguments for transitioning to sustainable alternatives like organic grass which can be successfully managed for even high-impact fields. Watch and share the recording here.

Despite clear objections from the people of Ithaca and the town’s own Conservation Board, Cornell University has still not reconsidered its plans to move ahead with plastic turf.

Cornell is a huge and prestigious institution with a lot of clout. If we’re able to convince Cornell to abandon its toxic turf installation, it could help prevent other universities and municipalities from installing artificial turf.


We hope you will please join Zero Waste Ithaca in urging Cornell University to abandon its plans to install artificial turf by filling out the fields below to add your name to their petition (click here if you have any issues with the form below.) And please share the petition with your friends and family to help Zero Waste Ithaca reach its goal of gathering at least 1,000 signatures to present to Cornell.


Fact Sheet: View or download our fact sheet on artificial or synthetic turf here.

We’ve created some sample language for moratoriums and a ban that you can use to attempt to stop the installation of artificial turf (aka synthetic turf or plastic grass) in your town, city, county, or state below.


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