Synthetic Turf is HAZARDOUS
Synthetic turf is hazardous to human health due to chemical exposure, microplastics and the risk of skin burns as well as infections, with children being especially vulnerable.
Vinyl Chloride: A Toxic Chemical That Threatens Human Health
Vinyl chloride is a carcinogenic chemical used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. Vinyl chloride is found in PVC pipes; vinyl siding, windows and flooring; packaging; furniture and car parts; children's toys, pet toys, shower curtains, credit cards, gift cards and many other consumer goods.
The Problem(s) with Expanded Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
Toxins in polystyrene readily leach into food an drinks, a process that is accelerated by heat and contact with fatty and acidic foods. And polystyrene can persist in the environment for more than 1 MILLION YEARS. With Americans using 25 billion polystyrene cups per year and plastic-free, non-toxic alternatives readily available, it’s time for a change.