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Beyond Plastics & ReThink Disposable Restaurant Plastic Reduction Training

**This event has passed but you can watch the recording here or via the embedded video below**

The data is clear that reusable dishware is less expensive, more sustainable, and more customer-friendly than disposable dishware is, but the steps needed to make the transition can be murky.

Activists who would like to work with restaurants to cut back on their use of disposable plastics are invited to join Beyond Plastics and ReThink Disposable for a free training on how to help. Attendees will learn from professionals how to approach restauranteurs to broach the subject of change. Come learn what to say (and what not to say) to inspire and motivate a shift toward more sustainable practices, and how to help restaurant managers navigate the process of ordering new wares.

Grace Lee, the Program Director for ReThink Disposable, has been training her staff in these methods for years. At this training, she will share the insights and methods of her organization with an audience of volunteer activists who are ready to assist.

Take the training, and join the fray!

Register now for this webinar on October 27, 2022 at 7:00 PM ET US.

And feel free to invite others to join us on October 27th, too.

October 12

In the Bag: A Free Webinar for Dry Cleaners Who Want to Reduce Single-Use Poly

December 3

Virtual Grassroots Organizing Training